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High End Lautsprecher des Jahres 2022 - WVL 12639 SON - Editor's Choice 2023 TAS - PF Award 2023

 High End Lautsprecher des Jahres 2022 - WVL 12639 SON - Editor's Choice 2023 TAS - PF Award 2023 WOLF VON LANGA Elektromagnetische Lautsprecher

Der perfekte Lautsprecher: WVL 12639 SON
Perfekte Wiedergabe - Perfekte Qualität - Perfekte Fertigung
Mehr Lautsprecher braucht kein Mensch
Made in Germany

Über Jahre immer wieder ausgezeichnet.
Die Presse bestätigt weltweit:
"Mit Abstand die Best-of-Show-Kombi für das Geld"

Wir fertigen elektromagnetische Lautsprecher (field-coil) und die dazugehörige Stromversorgung seit über 15 Jahren!

Der fremderregte Lautsprecher, eine Technik, die lange Zeit in Vergessenheit geraten war, wird jetzt von Herstellern wie Audionote, Lowther und Wolf von Langa (Feldspulentechnik seit über 15 Jahre) wiederbelebt.

Diese Technik bietet potenzielle Vorteile wie verbesserte Klangqualität, Effizienz und sogar geringere Verzerrung. Die Wiederentdeckung und Erneuerung dieser Technik führt zu interessanten Entwicklungen in der Audiotechnik und ist für audiophile Enthusiasten interessant, die nach echten Innovativen in der Lautsprecher- und Tonwiedergabetechnik suchen.

J. Hughes about the difference between permanent and electro magnets:
This new version features a driver with a field coil — an electromagnet where a DC current creates its magnetism. An ancient technology by audio standards, field coils were used back when permanent magnets had limited strength. Nowadays, nearly all modern loudspeaker drive units use a permanent magnet for the motor — it's a simpler, cheaper, more elegant solution. Consequently, the field coil has largely been consigned to the dustbin of history. Yet the field coil principle never entirely disappeared...
Advocates claim field coil drive units sound more transparent and musical, making their permanent-magnet counterparts seem compressed and veiled in comparison. But why should this be? After all, they're both magnets. Well, surprisingly, there are some important differences...
A permanent magnet creates an aligned electron spin. An electromagnet generates a moving electric charge which means the electron spins are not aligned. As a result, a field coil driver's flux density remains constant as the voice coil moves in the motor's gap. Permanent magnets do not achieve this constancy and suffer from losses of flux density when the motive force of current is present. Field coils create a stronger more efficient motor. Power delivery, determined by current and voltage, is more constant and stable. This is a key factor determining the superior sound quality of field coil drivers compared to permanent magnet drivers. 

Quote A. Grove, Chief Designer, Audio Note (UK): This is where field coil drivers are conceptually, and audibly, superior to permanent magnet drivers: They are more transparent and detailed, not with unnatural filigree but by way of lower signal-related hash.
The effect is not that there is more in terms of quantity from the speakers, there isn’t, there’s actually less. They sound calmer, more relaxed and graceful, yet there is now more information – in terms of tonality, subtle inflexion, and atmosphere. What was previously obscured is now revealed. The scales have fallen from your ears!
What’s interesting and verging on the profound here is that almost every speaker you have ever heard has suffered from the same problem, and you will be so used to it, it’s not until it vanishes that you notice it was there in the first place.
It’s almost like suffering defective vision from childhood, and then being given glasses for the first time.

WOLF VON LANGA® | Elektromagnetische Lautsprecher 

Verschiedene Modelle bald zu hören in München, Atrium 4.2 Raum F231c und F231f (2 Räume).