Produktgruppe: Vollverstärker

LFD Vollverstärker aus England

LFD Vollverstärker aus England LFD Integrated Zero mk IV Signature
Die beiden von LFD(England) entwickelt und gebauten Verstärker

Integrated Zero MK IV sowie

befinden sich in der Liste der von Stereophile 2012
empfohlenen Verstärker.

Hier der Text zu dem NCSE Verstärker

The 70Wpc NCSE is an upgraded version of LFD’s Integrated Zero
(NCSE stands for New Chassis, Special Edition).
It uses the same circuit topology as the Integrated Zero, but
has a heavy, ribbed chassis with four viscoelastic feet.
Build quality is improved inside and out.
Though the NCSE was “obviously superior” in terms of
low-level resolution, and
there was “something a little somber about the sound,” said
It lacked the Integrated Zero’s “illuminated-from-within
He does note that the basic LFD Integrated Zero Mk.III is a
better value in today’s economy, however. (Vol.32 No.3)

Über den neuen Integrated Zero MK IV schreibt die Zeitschrift:

“If you like features, this integrated has none,” says ST, but
“If you like sweet, highly resolving sound, the LFD offers
these aplenty.”
The latest refinement of LFD’s LE integrated amplifier is
rated to deliver 60Wpc and has a new chassis of extruded
aluminum, a thick top cover,
a much thicker faceplate, and
three beautifully shaped knobs.

The Mk.IV LE uses two MOSFET output devices per channel
and a custom-made volume pot,
but forgoes convenience features such as tone controls,
specialized inputs,
and remote handset.

Compared with the Mk.III, the Mk.IV LE had a richer, fuller
tonal balance, with deep, solid bass, astonishing immediacy,
and exceptional dynamic range.
“The LFD Mk.IV LE is artisanal hi-fi of the highest order,
as much artistry as science,” said ST, who bought the review
sample. (Vol.34 No.1)

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Die Preise liegen bei 3300 und 5400 €