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Graham Audio BBC LS5/9 inkl. Ständer

Price: 4,799.00 € | Second-hand device

Product information

Product category
Compact Speaker
Graham Audio
Usage state
as good as new
complete with original box
Original price
6,800.00 €
4,799.00 €
More information


Ich verkaufe ein Paar Graham Audio BBC LS5/9 Lautsprecher inkl. Ständer. Neuste Version ca 3Wochen alt und sie befinden sich in einem einwandfreien Zustand. Originalverpackung, Zubehör, Rechnung usw vorhanden.

Eine Abholung in Kornwestheim ist möglich. Ich versende ausschließlich versicherte Pakete inklusive Sendungsnummer.

Testergebnisse :

" The Graham Audio LS5/9 is an unusual and impressive speaker. It does a startlingly good job of transcending its small size to present large-scale music convincingly. It has a balance very close to neutral and surprising dynamic capacity. ...It may be that you have a need for a small speaker; if so, the Graham Audio LS5/9 is surely an item of extraordinary interest. Few other speakers of its size offer anything like a comparable musical truth. Comes to that, rather few of any size do.”

“Listening to some piano and orchestra concerts - Mozart, the Lodron with Solti, Baremboim and Shiff for example - that pure timbre is enchanting and you almost see the instruments in the distance. The result is very natural with the lute music by Bach played by Hopkinson Smith on Astrée vinyl. The noise of the quick fingers on the keyboard are fascinating and well integrated and the sound results really natural. ...I am really happy that the LS 5/9 are back on the world market.”

“Vocal reproduction is a huge strength for the Grahams. Cover songs like Johnny Cash’s rendition of “Hurt” or Storm Large’s version of “Where Is My Mind” represent an experiential treat. ...Those who enjoy the subtleties of classical, jazz, and vocal music among other types of music, are likely to love the reproduction the Grahams provide. It’s a musically-balanced speaker that makes it easy – maybe too easy – to find oneself locked to a listening seat eager to hear "just one more" favorite album.”

High-End Eclipse


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Registered since 07/2012
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Krisztian Soos
70806 Kornwestheim
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- Shipping from Germany (70806 )
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- Cash upon collection
- Bank transfer
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Advert time period
17.05.2024 - 16:15
16.07.2024 - 16:15

92 times in 30 day(s)

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